Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge


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As one of your past victims. I see your lack of knowledge continues. Have you been to or SMH. or perhaps or even If you had you would be aware of what’s happening in Australia and you would able to answer your Dutch friend’s questions. Probably a better option than posting on a music site.

The floods is also a hot item here on the Dutch news and of course it worries me just as bloody much. Just like the 2019/20 bushfires.
It's really nice to read BG's last line; me too!
 :( Hey I just asked to don't buy anything Russian. You know, Every little bit helps.

Of course arfa is right (victim? Btw arfa is a very commonly used name in Marokko, c.s.).
But you arfa can not blame other Dutch people who don't know of the sites that you read.
Even thou their English, next to their Dutch, is far more superior than your non-existent ability to .... Dutch  :hahaha: .
Makes me wonder thou if you (can) read the Dutch newspapers? No don't think so... but hay surprise me  :wow: .

You, arfa, might not like it, but I post anywhere I like. I don't feel that I need your permission.
So, mate, just keep chewing on that dirty sock of yours...

Jeez wat a .... is a Phuttecunt?
If one watches TV news and sees the devastation and the mass-murders done by Russians of innocent Ukrain citicens ordered by
Like nazis during WW2 "Ich Habe het niet gewist.".. jaja but now translated in Russian...I wonder how can one stand a-side, sleep @night and still be partial or be in favour of Russians?I think Russians are appalling.Puttecunt way upfront.
Viva Ukrain


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