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Changing My Email Address

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This is probably a silly question but I've fiddled around with my profile and I can't seem to figure out how to change my email address.

Can someone help me please?  :-[

Not sure it will help Oldshepp, but have you tried Quicklinks -> Account Settings.

Works for me, but my access rights and permissions may be a bit different than yours. Otherwise, drop a PM to one of the Admin team with your new details.

Thanks Beergut but I can't seem to access anything like Account Settings

Must be coz you're special   ;D

Looks like PM will have to be the way to go

Having the same problem. I've been away from the forum for a while, and upon logging in today discovered the email address I used is a very old one.

Hey there ausrockers! I too am trying to change my email...any suggestions please.


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