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Bumping topics?

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Hi guys,

Just wondering on the etiquette of this.  I tend to search for specific songs and because I've only been a member for a short while, a lot of the posts that come up as hits were submitted quite a while ago. 

Obviously, I really appreciate the fact that people have put stuff online, and I try to applaud the original poster when I download something.  My instinct is to post a reply as well, to thank the poster - but if the topic is really old, is it seen as being a useless bump?   ???

If you want to thank the original poster, just do it, I am sure they will appreciate the does not matter if the post is old :) :) :)

Hector McFreckle:
No, go for it zdsc, as it may even alert the thread to somebody else that may have missed it, or weren't a Member back then!  ;)

Brilliant, thanks guys - I didn't want to upset anyone!   8)

And if any links are dead - just yell out, I'm sure someone can help with a fresh link  ;)


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