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Trying to find some old Aussie live compilations


A friend of mine has been telling me about some Aussie various artists live albums, that came out in the 70s (I think).

He lost his old vinyl copies in a house fire (along with everything else he owned) & would love to track down copies in any format.

All I know for certain is that they contained the word "Reefer" in the album title & featured various classic bands, including Ayers Rock, Anyone have any ideas?


--- Quote from: Jukebox on Sat 01 Nov 2008 10:21:00 ---A friend of mine has been telling me about some Aussie various artists live albums, that came out in the 70s (I think).
He lost his old vinyl copies in a house fire (along with everything else he owned) & would love to track down copies in any format.
All I know for certain is that they contained the word "Reefer" in the album title & featured various classic bands, including Ayers Rock, Anyone have any ideas?
--- End quote ---

I think you might be thinking of the 1976 Mushroom Records double LP “A-Reefer-Derci!”. Recorded live at the Reefer Cabaret, Melbourne on the 30th and 31st of December 1975 (a final set of gigs commemorating the closure of the venue).

01.  Renée Geyer Band - It's A Man's Man's World
02.  Split Enz - Amy (Darling)
03.  Split Enz - Lovey Dovey
04.  Split Enz - Time For A Change
05.  Ayers Rock - Boogie Woogie Waltz
06.  Ayers Rock - Gimme Shelter
07.  Ariel - I Can't Say What I Mean
08.  Ariel - Rock 'N' Roll Scars
09.  Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band - Roll That Reefer
10.  Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band - The Prefect
11.  Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band - Out In The Suburbs
12.  Skyhooks – Revolution
13.  Skyhooks – Smut
14.  Skyhooks - Saturday Night

You'll find a rip of this over at Midoztouch, courtesy of Deutros ...

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Reefer Cabaret! That's the one. Thanks so much. My mate Pete will be really happy when I present him with a CD copy.


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