Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio

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--- Quote from: Austwiz on Wed 24 Sep 2008 18:17:08 ---Radio in the 70s was not too bad as I remember...  ::)

The main things I hate about current radio are the bloody DJs who think we want to listen to their *ucking constant drivel, and the ceaseless barrage of inane advertising.  You seem to be lucky (or usually unlucky) to have 5 songs an hour!

Me, I listen to audiobooks on my mp3 player in the car, and cd/mp3 at home, I get my new music from the 'net these days   :-\
--- End quote ---

I can't even remember the last time I listened to the radio. I used to be a big fan of JJ/JJJ in the 80's & 90's but I've long since lost interest ... started sounding like all the other commercial stations - a procession of dickhead presenters (and their inane banter/antics), crappy playlists, constant rotations etc etc. Same old, same old.

I put a new sound system in the car five years ago and it's only purpose is as a head unit for the CD changer and the mp3 player. If you switch to radio mode you just get static because I haven't even bothered to tune any stations in. I don't even have the radio stations set on the home theatre system either.

I'll stick to the music programs on the telly and the Net to keep me up to date.


Hector McFreckle:

Re: What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio :-

Yeah... NOBODY plays Jason Donavon anymore !!!  >:( >:( >:(


--- Quote from: Hector McFreckle on Thu 25 Sep 2008 01:29:37 ---Re: What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio :-

Yeah... NOBODY plays Jason Donavon anymore !!!  >:( >:( >:(

--- End quote ---

I am sure no decent Aussie Radio will ;)

In the late 70's I was a Big 3RRR fan and still listen to that station along with 3PBS ;D ;D ;D ;D

what happened to plain old talent-it was in abundance in the late 60's-mid 70's & vanished with the disco could count on one hand the great acts
that have appeared since then-radio is really struggling in my opinion :-\

We always had ABC radio going, but i find myself turning it off more and more, one gets sick and tired of having to put up with  the announcers political bias coming through in order to hear a few good songs.... ::) ::)


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