Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

iPirates face jail time in customs frisk

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--- Quote from: motcher76 on Tue 29 Jul 2008 02:41:52 ---I don't quite understand this  ??? .... how can anyone tell that tracks on an mp3 player are pirated, and not a legitimate copy from an original source?


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There's no such thing as a "legitimate copy".

We have no "fair use" legislation.

Actually I think it's worse than that, one of the consequences of the last trade agreements with the US was that we would observe the worst parts of their copyright acts, could be here say as I have no source for this.

The only way i can think of to check an mp3 file to see if its legal,is to see if it has a digital watermark to be able to trace it back to where it came from and see if you have the
legal right to use it.


--- Quote from: bri on Tue 29 Jul 2008 17:17:27 ---The only way i can think of to check an mp3 file to see if its legal,is to see if it has a digital watermark to be able to trace it back to where it came from and see if you have the legal right to use it.

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And how quick do you think the hackers will write the software that can create a 'watermark' capable of fooling such a check?  Windows Media Audio (wma) files can have a Digital Rights Management (DRM) stream encoded into the file to stop that file being altered or re-encoded into another format, but there are ways around that, too.  Just play the file in any media player whilst recording your computer's 'What You Hear' soundtrack with a recorder like Audition or Soundforge, then save that recording as a mp3 file.

To edit the ID3v1 and v2 tag of a mp3, you need an application or player like Winamp or Windows Media Player.  To enable such a 'digital watermark' would be a breeze for most hackers, so the record companies - and whoever else wants to go down this road of checking files - are only shooting themselves in the foot.

Lastly, I'd like to see anyone try to check my laptop/iPod/other brand mp3 player.  Without probable cause, no authority will ever have the right to examine my personal effects to the extent being proposed.  Check my luggage for drugs, bombs, or other illegal content, but I will gladly join any protest if the Government brings in this ridiculous search.

Guess it's time to resurrect the old login password on the laptop LOL.

I'm not worried.  Whenever I travel, I just secretly stash my mp3's in Schapelle Corby's boogie board bag.


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