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Radio Star?

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What am I, drunk? Of course Davy O'List was from The Nice, Keith Emerson's old band, not Love! LOL

I came across this on the site ...

Lyrics - Radio Stars

"We've come to play but don't believe a word. Reserve your judgement at least until you've heard. If we enthrall you, then we'll all be satisfied, and if we bore you, then you'll know the papers lied. Radio Stars. We hope you like us cos it really means a lot, and If your neighbour hates us then relax, it matters not. We're here already and there's nothing he can do. Go take a walk, check out the bar, investigate the loo. Radio Stars. 

We're on the radio.To make the song long. 
We're on the radio.To add attraction.
We're on the radio.Oh my, how times flies.
We're on the radio. Maybe they'll like it.
We're on the radio.To make it longer.
We're on the radio.We'll add a section.
We're on the radio.Just bung a verse in.

Radio Stars. Etc.

(I was told by the powers that were that 1 min 40 secs was too short for a single, so I added an extra middle piece which was recorded much later and stuck into the first version. That's why it's in a different tempo and why the sounds all change, although the bass sounds cool, speaking for myself. The words are thus understandable. Alas, it was all to no avail)".

I've not heard a full length version of the single nor any of the various album tracks to tell the difference.



--- Quote from: Jukebox on Sun 02 Nov 2008 07:01:56 ---"Horrible Breath" was originaly recorded by John's Children as, 'You Scare Me To Death", & Marc Bolan also recorded it solo.

--- End quote ---

Just to correct my own post. This song was played live by John's Children in the 60s, but I don't think they ever recorded it. It was recorded by Radio Stars in 1977. In 1981, Bolan's original demo of the song (titled 'You Scare Me To Death') was souped up by Simon Napier-Bell, along with a heap of other Bolan demos, & released on an album of the same name. The original demo is on the expanded reissue of 'The Beginning Of Doves'. Before the Radio Stars version, there was a version recorded by Jet around 1975, which is available on the 'More Light Than Shade' CD of unreleased material. Apparently, a band called Fresh, also covered it on their 1970 album, 'Fresh Today', which was produced by Simon Napier-Bell. I'm going to have to track that one down.

Not that this helps at all with the mystery of various different length versions of the song 'Radio Stars'.LOL


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