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The Angels Upcoming Shows

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Wish I could get over there to see these guys live.   :(

I've been pretty busy recently. I took these shots for the popular local aussie music website,

It was a great night. I got to sing (or scream) the famous "no way get lost F*OFF" with Doc Neeson during "Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again".  ;D

If you want to see larger versions of the photos, please check out my FLICKR website. HEY! Leave some comments while you're there! :P

Some great photos Nerdburger- I now remember the young bloke who played a couple of tunes with the Angels at the Newy Workers show-
is this John Brewster's son by any chance ?

With John Brewster's recent heart attack before their Toowoomba 26th November Queensland concert, his eldest son Sam stepped in.

For those who don't know, John Brewster was rushed to hospital and had a 5-way bypass operation.  According to Doc (that's Doc Neeson and not a real Doctor :P )...he is doing well and on the road to recovery.

According to the annoucement The Angels made..."Sam is the obvious replacement for John as he learned all the songs in the womb".

John Brewster's other son, I think, is on drums.  I don't know his name? If you have a look at my photos, they bloody look like twins, if you ask me.  ;D

If you are bored....check out my website.  There's a shitload of my recent concert photos....

...and music videos, with some rare aussie clips of Easybeats, Loved Ones, Radio Birdman, Louis Tillet, Go-Betweens, TISM, Tumbleweed, The Saints, Ed Kuepper, The Reels, Do Ri Me, Divinyls, Thorpie, Acca-dacca, blah blah blah :P


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