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Forum Searches

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Deleted - I found the other search button LOL

Don't be too quick to delete it Larnie. We all have had some frustrating times with the site's search function on occasion.

You search and find nothing; then post a request or go to the trouble of uploading an album; only to be politely told it was there all along.... ???  ???

Would be interested to know which "search button" gave you the better result.

Thank you for making me feel 'normal' beergut. What you explained is exactly what has been happening to me but on rare occasions the search was getting the result. I had ALWAYS used the search on the right. Then I spotted the Search Button  next to Help above and I guess I figured it was the one 'everyone' was using (except me).

I just tried something for comparison. My last 'red face' (lol) was when I made a post about the Radiators. Prior to posting I had used the search on the right hand side with no result. I just did the same search (using the button beside Help - just typed it in - no fancy options and bingo .... down near the bottom with only 5.3% relevance lol was a few links including the particular album (Radiology) I was going to up. I am presuming here that, that was the same thread oldshepp directed me to. In any case I DID get the result I was looking for. Whether it works all the time who knows.

PS I was 'out n about' this afternoon and found your old posts of Ross Ryan. I have been able to download 1 of 2 I want. Will try for the other in a little while. Big thank you for those - I recently purchased the re-released My Name Means Horse (I had the vinyl back in the good old days).  :)

i use that button next to help and still comes up with no results at times


--- Quote from: screamin on Mon 31 Mar 2008 04:19:12 ---i use that button next to help and still comes up with no results at times

--- End quote ---
The Home button  ;D


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