Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

No Underbelly in Melbourne !!

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Hector McFreckle:
So the Lawyers got their way (for now), & stopped Channel 9 from showing Underbelly in Melbourne!   >:( >:( >:( I'm spewin' coz i don't normally watch telly, and it was the only thing that i was looking forward to.
To the rest of Australia: Was it any good??  ???

Same Hector

Channel 9 will be rapt in all the free publicity but spewing they can't show all around Australia.

I think the court is kidding itself  if they think they couldn't select a jury from a pool in Melbourne.   As the ratings proved last year not everyone watches 9 !

Apparently it is better than Blue Murder at this stage and that was a bloody good watch

Beergut will probably upload it for us poor Victorians (or Kick a Vic  ;D)

I watch it on Satellite at my place in Melbourne ;D :-*

The 5 minutes of it that I saw was great!

Why don't you just download it?


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