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BON SCOTT singing "back in black" ?

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I have a version of "back in black" that seems to be sing by BON SCOTT.
Is it possible that he sings that some days/months before his death ?
Does BON sing in some songs of the future album BinB ?

Christian (France)


--- Quote from: pch29 on Sun 09 Dec 2007 05:00:34 ---I have a version of "back in black" that seems to be sing by BON SCOTT.
Is it possible that he sings that some days/months before his death ?
Does BON sing in some songs of the future album BinB ?

Christian (France)

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I think you'll find that that version of Back In Black is not Bon Scott,
but actually Jessie James Dupree from Jackyl  ;)

Do you know from what year is this recording by Jessie James Dupree from Jackyl ?
Does Bon Scott participate to the preparation (sessions) of the recording of the Back in black album ?


--- Quote from: pch29 on Sun 16 Dec 2007 06:02:08 ---Do you know from what year is this recording by Jessie James Dupree from Jackyl ?

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about 5 months after Bon passed away, it was put on one of the many acdc tribute albums, Thunderbolt ?


--- Quote from: tripper on Sun 05 Oct 2008 07:42:52 ---Bon Scott did sing back in black, have a copy on vinyl rare as *uck cost $400 20 years ago, played it once just to hear it. not abput to play it again out of fear of damaging it

--- End quote ---
play it one more time to prove it to me  :D :D :D :D


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