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Ausrock blog

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All very valid questions Ausrock. (in fact with the advent of this forum and its comprehensive coverage of everything - they are - some of them - questions I am asking myself)It would seem a shame to abandon your blog completely having built it up to what it is now.

Having said that - how much of your time will the forums take up and would the extra time mean less to devote to the blog thereby reducing it's high quality.

In short, I don't really know but whatever you do it's got to be right for you :)

Yes I agree with Overthere :) I think that all Blog owners should continue with their great sites, it would be a shame to abandon all the hard work Blog owners have committed too the Aussie scene

All Blog Masters are welcome to post here, when they have the time, also we have a section on the board.... where the Blog Master can provide their links to their Blogs.

Tough choices for you blogmasters out there.

I didn't even realize all these Aussie music blogs existed until a few months ago, in fact it never entered my mind that a blog could be a way to share music at all. I think it was mark from ozblogdownunder, threw me directions to his blog @ a music forum I post at regularly for some billy thorpe i wanted that opened my eyes to all these sweet Aussie blogs. Up until then I thought I was one of a few people who consistently shared great Aussie music.
Anyways, I dunno how much time/effort it takes for you lads to create & maintain a blog, but i do know its time'n'effort enough just contributing a post by the time you do a bit of a write up, rip, pack, upload etc. So it goes without saying I'd hate to see anyone of you abandon your blogs, and I for one won't abandon them either.

So, I'm happy to post @ both.
But for example my heres an idea I've had for my pending Radiators posts i'm upping as we speak. I may just plonk 2 or so of the Rads albums in a post over @ Ausrock.Blog (with a comment saying theres plenty more over @ and the rest over here. This'll keep the Ausrock.Blog moving along and supported nicely, satisfying those that just like to grab'n'run, But rewarding those that wish to get involved, or at least make the effort.

Sounds good in theory i 'spose.  ;D we'll see. Seems like a nice compromise for me tho.

As usual No_Exit comes up with a simple but stunning idea. I was already considering limiting the number of posts I was making each week as contributors seem very keen to have a crack - so it seems like a good idea for me to dual post for a while and then to post tasters on the blog with directions to the forums. The thing about the forums is that no matter how big they get I think we could reasonably run a defence of sharing between friends - whereas a blog, or just posting on someone else's could be a legal minefield if anybody could be arsed to prosecute for digitalising and posting (sharing) music that's not always available in CD format or that hasn't been released in thirty or forty years...

But that is really a whole other thread. :)


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