Discover Sounds, Underground Music Samplers > Help Me Identify This

Listen To My Heartbeat

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A particular guilty pleasure of mine is Ryuichi Sakamoto's haunting track "Heartbeat" from his 1991 album.

...I see the lines in the palm of its hand now
I listen hard but no words spring to mind
And it sounds so sweet, listen to its heartbeat
And I'm drowning in its sea
Falling at its feet
Listen to my heartbeat baby ...


Thanks for trying!  Appreciate.  Not either one (unfortunately).  Last, by Ryuichi, was interesting and my first thought (drum picture) was "it might be" but singer too mellow (?) and other too upbeat.  Original song seemed "spacey" but I'm not entirely sure what that means!  Thanks!  Think drums signified heartbeat, and voice more like Barry White or Isaac Hayes, but been through their offerings.

A long shot and not the 80's (2007 in fact): Ray Davies "Morphine Song":


I had not heard that "heartbeat" but sorry to say, not the one.  Thank you, for trying.  Appreciate.

Unfortunately, the only "heartbeat" song I can think of that gets anywhere near to fitting the bill is "Heartbeat" by King Crimson:



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