Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums


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I just wanted to say how happy I am to discover that this forum is still going.  I was a blog follower about a decade ago, and when it stopped and moved here, I joined and was semi-active for a while.  I'm from the UK, but I've been a fan of Australian music for years and I've struggled so much to get information about Australian bands here in the UK, so the blog/forum were absolutely brilliant.

...but then life really got in the way - and the killer blow was that I stopped listening to music altogether after a traumatic brain injury (it was too "stimulating" for my struggling brain). 

Anyway, I've been listening to music again for a few years now...and I was sitting at my PC the other night, and I suddenly remembered the existence of this site.  (It sounds like nothing, but when you've been hit with memory problems following an accident, it was a big, "OH YES!" moment). I just wanted to say how happy I was to log on the other week and find that you're all still here.  I was amazed to find that you're still going, and I just wanted to express my appreciation.   :Thumbup:)

 :hihi: It is great having you back, I think the last time you were here was 7 years ago. I hope all is well in the future :thankyou1: :rnr: :punk: :Thumbup:)

What an amazing post to read!!
I was touched reading it and hope that zdsc continues his/her recovery and gets back as much normal function as is humanly possible.
Yes, this is a brilliant site for getting information about our Aussie artists and the people here are only too willing to give you the best, most accurate information possible.

 :( Always great to have a member who has been AWOL for a long time to suddenly make an appearance zdsc so sorry to hear of your accident and the repercussions great to hear you're on the mend the good thing is that you'll fit right in here with memory loss and brain damage.  :Thumbup:)

Thanks everyone for such awesome posts - I am super happy to be back!   :drum:


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