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Bit Quiet on here now

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where have we all gone?
what are we all up to?
surely there is still new stuff coming out?
sadly CD's are on the way out just like Vinyl  :-[

Hey Skids, I'm still lurking around semi-regularly. . . hasn't been a lot of action as you said.

Yep, not a lot of traffic.
But I'm not gonna make the same mistakes with my CDs that I made with my vinyl. According to NME vinyl outsold CDs in the uk this year.
Does everybody still have their cassettes, I have heard a lot people romanticize about the cassingle lately?
The Dead Kennedy's had this idea>

Have a great Xmas Present day all.

I've got a Depeche Mode cassette (Speak and Spell) that has a blank side to it.

Dr Keats:
There were a few of those releases - the HeeBeeGeeBees album was another.


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